
Takeaways from St. 卢克的 Equity 领导 Conference

杰茜·纳尔逊,圣. 卢克的 Director of Equity & 包容,分享公平领导会议的关键时刻和要点-一个新的圣. 卢克的 tradition.

作为圣. 卢克的 newest Director of Equity and Inclusion, 我的职责是“为学校社区的所有成员营造公平和包容的氛围,营造一个同样有利于所有成员幸福和成功的学校环境。.我坚信这是“一个人的工作,但却是许多人的工作”.” In thinking about how the St. 卢克的 community might work together to foster a climate of inclusivity, 重要的是要从“换位思考”和“换位思考”开始,以更好地理解彼此和我们社区的不同需求.

“It’s one thing to be heard and another thing to be understood and appreciated.” These wise words were spoken by St. 卢克的 senior Zaire Profit ‘21 at the very first Equity 领导 Conference

An opportunity to virtually gather every constituency of the St. 卢克的 school community, the inaugural Equity 领导 Conference, with partner Pollyanna, 创造了一个独特的平台来交流我们的个人观点和分享山顶的经验. Themed Enter to Learn: Co-Creating an Inclusive 社区 that Serves Us All, ELC为160多名与会者提供了一个机会,让他们思考在圣. 卢克的 and what, if anything, challenges our sense of belonging. 


Starting with opening remarks from 校长 Mark Davis, the conference took place on Zoom, 在那里,与会者被鼓励准备好仔细倾听并寻求相互理解. 参加者被露丝·巴德·金斯伯格睿智的话语所鼓舞,她简单地说, “真正的改变, 持久的变化, happens one step at a time.” And the ELC was one such step toward inclusive cultural change. 随后的校友回顾视频强调了假设和特权的影响, as well as the importance of relationships and resilience, with regard to inclusion and belonging at St. 卢克的. 校友们讲述的故事也让我们注意到,没有两个学生, regardless of their similarities, will have the same experience at St. 卢克的, and individuality matters. 
With the alumni retrospective serving as an example of the power of storytelling, 与会者被要求专注于真正倾听社区中的人们,并考虑不同的观点. 不出所料,. 卢克的 students rose to the occasion. At the close of the student experience, 我目睹了初高中的学生们互相感谢,感谢他们愿意敞开心扉, 反映, re-think with humility, and embrace vulnerability. From where I sat, ELC的学生参与者为成年人示范什么是“进入学习”.” 

After a short break, 我们作为一个团体再次聚集在一起,听取每个组成小组的汇报. 

We heard from the trustee group that we need the St. 卢克的 community to consider an expanded definition of “diversity,” one that captures both visible and obscure differences. 

校友小组发现并命名了“美好的悖论”——积极经历表面下未解决的问题. 这个小组还表达了拥有一个广泛多样化的教师的价值,这些教师反映了学生群体,不可避免地有助于学生的归属感. 

受托人和校友都认识到,包容性问题是具有挑战性的,远远超出了山顶. 正因为如此,我们才更有理由开始学习那些让人不舒服、具有挑战性的话题. 卢克的. 


From the parent group, we heard a variation on some of the same themes, including the importance of carefully considering family pairings, 团体动力学, and geography when planning social events.

每个组成组提供的亮点提醒人们对“两者”的动态保持好奇. 例如, “友善是一把双刃剑”——既能培养归属感,又能掩盖勇敢对话的必要性. 或者需要考虑我们的相似之处和不同之处作为St. 卢克的. 

下一个, 我们听取了初中和高中小组成员的意见,他们反思了为什么谈论差异是困难的, 2) what they wished the SLS community talked about more, and 3) what we can do to make school feel more inclusive. 这些学生强调,需要从关于公平和包容的对话转向有意义的行动, as outlined in St. 卢克的 Vision for Inclusive Excellence. 

  • Don’t limit learning and new knowledge to abstract concepts; apply lessons to current events or contexts; history needs to be contextualized in the current reality.
  • Stretch out of your comfort zone; sit with different kids to get to know them.
  • When teaching about cultures outside of the “mainstream” or majority group, be sure to include stories that empower, not just stories of oppression.
  • Educate yourself about different points of view.
  • Embed Diversity, Equity & Inclusion into the curriculum beyond superficial acknowledgment.
  • Refine book choices, service requirements vs. built into core curriculum, connect beyond SLS- get students in different communities, address mental health
  • 在MS中开始与年龄相适应的对话,有效地为学生在现实生活中处理敏感问题做好准备.
  • Move from external motivations (e.g., requirements for graduation) to encourage intrinsic motivation (e.g., personal interest).
  • Don’t be complacent.
最后,在会议结束时,大家都被邀请分享了挥之不去的想法和反思. More constructive ideas were shared, including the importance of adults modeling honesty and vulnerability; forming genuine connections with inspiring adults; celebrating diversity; starting early to support all students with an expanded definition of diversity, and ensuring accountability to address issues consistently. 虽然没有人能确切地知道公平领导会议将如何展开, one thing is for sure, we have a new inclusive school tradition in the making — one that serves us all. 


为学生 - Consider joining clubs or applying for groups to continue the conversation (e.g., MS Anti-Racist Club or MS DLC, 我们的数据链路控制, US Students Towards Anti-Racist Transformation, or Gay-Straight Alliance).

For Faculty/Staff -加入WE ARE或PoC亲缘对话,了解更多关于E开发的倡议&I Office and Equity 领导 Team.
为父母 -参加家长会及MOSAIC活动,与其他家庭建立联系. 
If you identify as white, you are invited to join the SLS Racial Equity Parent Group, 由Karen Stamoulis和Liz Perry在去年春天Robin DiAngelo的演讲后发起. 这个小组每月通过Zoom见面,对于那些认为自己是白人并希望成为有色人种积极盟友的父母来说,这是一个“勇敢的空间”. By 反映ing on white racial identity, 这个小组的重点是更熟练地谈论种族和种族主义,并练习破坏种族主义的技巧. 这是一个同盟组织,不同于亲和空间(你可以阅读更多关于) affinity groups at St. 路加福音在这里). The next meeting is on Wednesday, February 17, at 7:00pm. Email Liz Perry at perrye@car4part.com if you would like more information. 
为校友 -联系Stefanie Veneruso了解更多关于校友办公室外成立的团体, including the new 社区 Experience initiatives and SLS连接 校友 Group.

对受托人 -积极参与对话,并与公平与包容委员会密切合作.
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St. 卢克的 School is a secular (non-religious), private school in New Canaan, CT for grades 5 through 12 serving over 35 towns in Connecticut and New York. 我们卓越的学术和多元化的男女同校社区促进学生的智力和道德发展,为他们进入顶尖大学做准备. St. 卢克的澳门在线威尼斯官方下载建立了服务的承诺和领导的信心.